Beaconic aduce iBeacons in magazinele europene (Video)

  Sistemul iBeacons pare sa genereze destul de mult interes din partea retailerilor americani, cateva lanturi de supermarket-uri alegand sa implementeze acest sistem in sute de magazine din SUA. In baza acestei popularitati in SUA, compania Beaconic anunta lansarea iBeacon Retail Kit, un pachet care permite instalarea iBeacons in orice magazin din Europa fara niciun efort. Practic un magazin instaleaza un dispozitiv de acest gen in locatiile sale, iar cu ajutorul unei aplicatii trimite promotii sau tot felul de informatii catre clientii care au iDevice-uri cu iOS 7 si se afla in locatia sa.

To help retailers quickly adapt to this industry development, the Beaconic Retail Kit includes all the key components of this technology: two (or more) 4.0 bluetooth iBeacons with two-year battery life and 60-meter range, an easy online campaign manager, iOS compatibility and a planned Android app… To boost both engagement and conversion, their sophisticated platform can handle detailed campaigns like countdown-based offers or rewards for Facebook connections. Retailers will also gain insight on buyer behavior by tracking how many visitors redeem the offers and rewards. 

   Kit-urile vor fi initial disponibile cu cele mai importante limbi europene implementate pe partea de suport, insa pe masura ce mai multe magazine vor fi interesate de el, compatibilitatea va fi extinsa. Un asemenea kit costa 250€ in versiunea standard, insa cei de la Beaconic pot oferi magazinelor oricate dispozitive iBeacons au nevoie pentru a-si acoperi locatia. Desi nu ma astept ca in Romania sa vedem asemenea sisteme prea curand, daca aveti ocazia de a calatori in viitor prin Europa, s-ar putea sa va bucurati de ceea ce ofera ele.

This post was last modified on ian. 13, 2014, 5:00 PM 17:00

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