Iata cum poti schimba aspectul sliderului pentru deblocarea iPhone-ului fara a face jailbreak

  V-am prezentat acum cateva zeci de minute o aplicatie care va permite sa modificati aspectul ceasului din Lockscreen-ul iOS 7, iar acum va ofer o optiune similara pentru sliderul dedicat deblocarii iDevice-urilor. SlideLocks este o aplicatie produsa de catre acelasi dezvoltator, ea functionand exact la fel, adica aplicand peste wallpaper-urile noastre diverse “masti” care acopera exact zona sliderului pentru deblocare, oferindu-ui in aspect diverit fata de cel normal.

You can choose from a large variety of Slide to unlock bars designs, and select the one that suits your taste, and your existing wallpaper the most. Many different colors are also available for every design. Change your “Slide to Unlock” bar appearance by adding an overlay on your existing lock screen’s background wallpaper, and impress your friends with Awesome designs for entertainment purposes. You don’t need to change your own designs or Wallpaper, Slide Locks works by changing the appearance of the Slide to Unlock background overlay bar only and works in conjunction with your own designs on iPhone and iPod touch.

  SlideLocks este disponibila intr-un format compatibil cu iPhone si iPod Touch.

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Developer: Emile Najem-khattar
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: TONS OF “Slide to unlock” DESIGNS
You can choose from a large variety of Slide to unlock bars designs, and select the one that suits your taste, and your existing wallpaper the most. Many different colors …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 2.7 Mb