“Parintele” iPod-ului devine angajat al Google

  Tony Fadell este unul dintre cei care au condus echipele care au dezvoltat iPod-urile de-a lungul anilor, iar multi il considera a fi chiar “parintele” produsului celor de la Apple. Cu multi ani in urma Fadell a parasit Apple si a fondat o companie numita Nest Labs, ea lansand cu mai bine de un an de zile in urma un termostat cu numele Nest. Produsul lor s-a dovedit a fi extrem de popular, el fiind comercializat chiar si in Apple Store-uri, iar compania sa a atras atat de multa atentie incat Google a cheltuit 3.2 miliarde de dolari pentru a o achizitiona.

Larry Page, CEO of Google, said: “Nest’s founders, Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers, have built a tremendous team that we are excited to welcome into the Google family. They’re already delivering amazing products you can buy right now–thermostats that save energy and smoke/CO alarms that can help keep your family safe. We are excited to bring great experiences to more homes in more countries and fulfill their dreams!” Tony Fadell, CEO of Nest, said: “We’re thrilled to join Google. With their support, Nest will be even better placed to build simple, thoughtful devices that make life easier at home, and that have a positive impact on the world.”

  Achizitionarea companiei il va mentine pe Tony Fadell in randul angajatilor Google, el urmand a dezvolta in continuare produsul care l-a facut atat de bogat. In cadrul Google, Fadell va beneficia de toate resursele de care are nevoie pentru a transforma Nest intr-un produs mult mai bun, insa ramane de vazut daca va si reusi. Multi nu privesc cu ochi buni aceasta achizitie, Google fiind criticata pentru “distrugerea” multor produse/servicii ale unor companii achizitionate in trecut, asa ca multi se asteapta ca Nest-ul sa fie transformat intr-un produs indezirabil.

  Ce se va intampla cu Nest vom vedea in viitor, insa important este ca un foarte important fost angajat Apple intra acum in randurile angajatilor Google.

This post was last modified on ian. 14, 2014, 10:41 AM 10:41

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