Desi se zvoneste ca intentioneaza sa implementeze in iDevice-uri un sistem care ne-ar permite sa controlam iOS-ul folosind doar miscarile ochilor, iata ca o aplicatie a -ului ofera deja aceasta posibilitate. Umoove Experience este denumirea aplicatiei, iar in ea veti gasi implementat un sistem prezentat in clipul video de mai sus, el urmarind indeaproape miscarile capului si ale ochilor pentru a ne permite sa controlam un joc virtual folosind doar miscarile acestora.
The Umoove Experience is finally here! Control your iPhone/iPad using the gentle gestures of your head. Fly through a 3D village by just facing where you want to go. As Robert Scoble puts it “This stuff (Umoove) is really crazy… Blows away what Samsung puts in the S4!” Enjoy the 3D flying experience and test your skills by collecting the purple magic potions, which will give you more energy to continue exploring the village.Get a first taste of the exciting Umoove powered games and apps.
Tehnologia implementata in Umoove Experience a fost laudata ca fiind superioara celei existente in Samsung Galaxy S4, insa avand in vedere ca aplicatia este disponibila gratuit, va puteti convinge si singuri de eficacitatea sa.
Umoove Experience: The 3D Face & Eye Tracking Flying Game
Descriere: *** Supports iPhone 4S / iPad 2 and above ***
The Umoove Experience is finally here! Control your iPhone/iPad using the gentle gestures of your head. Fly through a 3D village by just facing where you want …