Vertigoo – un nou joc neobisnuit pentru platforma iOS (Video)

  Vertigoo este un joc lansat in cursul acestei saptamani in App Store-ul companiei Apple, iar in clipul video de mai sus il aveti prezentat in totalitate. Dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imagini, titlul este unul asemanator cu BADLAND-ul lansat cu doar cateva luni de zile in urma in App Store. In joc rolul vostru va fi de a reconstrui MotherGoo cu ajutorul obiectelor pe care le veti descoperi de-a lungul celor peste 40 de nivele concepute de catre dezvoltatori pentru noi, insa veti avea de infrutat 3 bossi pentru a va atinge obiectivul.

There are dark days ahead. MotherGoo was pregnant and just exploded all over the universe. You need to search the nearby planets for her flesh and entrails. If you collect enough, you might be able to rebuild MotherGoo. Spin the worlds with one finger-swipe to change the gravity. Lead the newborn blobs through 40 levels and collect all the mother-parts. This game is totally free, with a few small ads. Enjoy!


  • 40 levels + bonus levels
  • 3 Boss fights
  • Game Center leaderboard
  • Unique controls
  • Universal built

  Vertigoo este disponibil gratuit, in format universal, in App Store.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Knut Erik Overjord
Categoria: Games

Descriere: There are dark days ahead. MotherGoo was pregnant and just exploded all over the universe. You need to search the nearby planets for her flesh and entrails.

If you collect enough, you might be able to rebuild MotherGoo.

Spin the worlds with one finger-…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 30.9 Mb

This post was last modified on ian. 18, 2014, 12:00 PM 12:00

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