AfterOS iti ofera o experienta noua de utilizare a iOS 7

  Daca va aflati in cautarea unei teme cu adevarat grozave care sa va schimbe experienta de utilizare a iOS 7, atunci va recomand sa incercati AfterOS. Dupa cum puteti vedea si din imaginile acestui articol, tema a fost gandita pentru a ne oferi o lume complet noua in iDevice-uri dupa instalare. De la iconitele aplicatiilor si pana la fonturi, wallpaper, status bar, barele de semnal WiFi sau GSM si interfata Notifications Center-ului, AfterOS modifica totul pentru a ne oferi o schimbare cat se poate de placuta.

It has a very clean icons (over 80 icons + mask for all icons (Cydia and Appstore apps), with look very cool has, includes pretty widgets for iWidgets (Clock, Userpic and new Widget customizable with scroll in Springboard), also includes perfect Wallpapers (in native Settings.app) and icons for Statusbar to give a great experience. Attention: For the theme work to perfection: Need install DockShift (Free in Cydia) and activate Transparent dock. NoPageDots7 (Free in Cydia). For Statusbar icons, once you have installed this theme, you must activate it through WinterBoard. You will then need to delete the following folder: /var /mobile /Library /Caches/ then com.apple.UIStatusBar (It´s only cache). If you do not delete this file, this theme will not work. The font is Bariol Font iOS7 (Free in Cydia).

  Pentru ca tema AfterOS sa poata functiona, va trebui sa instalat din Cydia cateva tweak-uri, mentionate in descrierea de mai sus, altfel nu veti vedea aplicate toate modificarile prezente in Screenshot-uri. AfterOS este disponibila in repo-ul ZodTTD & MacCiti al Cydia.

This post was last modified on ian. 19, 2014, 10:09 PM 22:09

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