Roadee Music este o aplicatie disponibila de ceva vreme in App Store, iar cu ajutorul sau putem descoperi noile melodii lansate de catre artistii favoriti prin intermediul iTunes Store-ul companiei Apple. Aplicatia este conceputa pentru a va permite sa urmariti tot ceea ce produc si lanseaza artistii vostri favoriti, iar in momentul in care o noua melodie apartinand lor a fost lansata in iTunes Store voi veti primi o notificarei care va anunta in legatura cu disponibilitatea sa.
Never miss a release of an artist you love, again. Simply follow your favorite artists and Roadee will send you a push notification, as soon as they release new music. Discover their discographies for releases you didn’t even know about. Or scroll through decades worth of music of all the artists you love. Listen to song previews, share your finds with friends and jump into the iTunes Music Store to buy new releases on day one.
Roadee Music
este disponibila gratuit, pentru o perioada limitata de timp, si daca sunteti interesati de ea, ar fi bine sa o descarcati.
Roadee Music – Never miss new releases on iTunes
Descriere: ” a terrific iPhone app that does one thing and does it well” John Gruber, Daring Fireball
Never miss a release of an artist you love, again.
Simply follow your favorite artists and Roadee will send you…
This post was last modified on ian. 20, 2014, 11:50 AM 11:50