Veency VNC este un tweak lansat cu multi ani de zile in urma de catre saurik, el permitand posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa isi controleze terminalele de la distanta folosind un calculator si o conexiune wireless sau cu fir. In acest clip video saurik demonstreaza modul in care oricine isi poate controla terminalul folosind o interfata intuitiva, sistemul fiind utilizat de catre foarte multe persoane care il gasesc extrem de util acesta fiind singurul de acest gen disponibil in Cydia.
If your device has ever been just out of reach, this package is for you: you’ll never need to touch your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch again! Instead, sit back and enjoy the comfort of remotely logging into your phone via VNC. You can view the screen, touch controls, and even push the lock and menu buttons all from the comfort of your desk- or laptop. To activate, install it and then go to Settings and set a password. When connections come in you will get a notification dialog asking if you want to accept. You can tell whether there are any active clients by way of an icon on the status bar.
Pentru a controla iDevice-urile puteti utiliza orice fel de aplicatie sau program ce permite utilizarea sistemului VNC, tweak-ul Veency fiind disponibil gratuit in Cydia.
This post was last modified on ian. 27, 2014, 10:01 PM 22:01