Aplicatia Twitter pentru iOS a fost actualizata in cursul acestei seri de catre compania Apple, noua versiune aducand cateva noutati importante pentru utilizatori. Vorbim despre posibilitatea: de a folosi poze drept reply-uri pentru tweet-uri, de a mentiona persoane in cazul publicarii de poze, despre imbunatatiri ale sistemului de taiere a pozelor si de rotire a acestora, despre imbunatatiri ale sistemului de vizualizare a pozelor si in final despre eliminarea necesitatii de a utiliza parole temporare daca aveti sistemul login verification activat.
This release includes enhancements to Tweet replies and the photo viewer.
- Click on a Tweet and reply with a photo by selecting the gallery icon.
- Easily mention other users when you Tweet a photo.
- Improvements to the photo cropping and image rotation
- Various improvements to the photo viewer.
- Users with login verification enabled no longer need temporary passwords to log in to their device
- When you’ve read all the latest Tweets, pull to refresh and see recommendations for new content on Twitter.
Twitter pentru iOS este disponibila gratuit in App Store.
Descriere: With Twitter, you can watch the world unfold like never before.
Get real-time stories, pictures, videos, conversations, ideas, and inspiration all in your timeline.
Follow people and your interests t…
This post was last modified on ian. 29, 2014, 9:36 PM 21:36