France Telecom este unul dintre cele mai mari grupuri telecom de pe glob, iar compania franceza detine si Orange Romania, cel mai mare operator de telefonie mobila din tara noastra. Ca parte a unei strategii ce va fi desfasurata pe parcursul anului 2014, cei de la Orange au anuntat ca intentioneaza sa le ofere clientilor optiuni speciale pentru abonamente care le vor permite acestora sa-si foloseasca in roaming traficul de date 4G din abonament, in cateva tari europene in care Orange are o retea de telefonie mobila disponibila.
Orange today announces a radical new step in its commitment to deliver the best roaming experience to its customers, with the removal of roaming charges in its largest post-paid plans across its entire European footprint – the first operator to do so. The new plans, for customers travelling within Europe are launching across Orange’s key European markets, including France, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Romania, Slovakia and Luxembourg and implemented throughout 2014.
Practic Orange va fi primul operator din Europa care va implementa asemenea optiuni, iar eliminarea costurilor de roaming pentru accesarea retelelor 4G va fi aplicata in Franta, Spania, Romania, Polonia, Belgia, Slovacia si Luxembourg. Oferta celor de la Orange va fi dedicata in principal clientilor care detin abonamente ce costa minim 30€ lunar, iar eliminarea costurilor de roaming pentru internet se va aplica inclusiv in anumite tari din afara Europei.
The initiative is coupled with the news that Orange will launch 4G roaming from February for customers in France travelling to the UK, Spain, Portugal and South Korea. Further to this, technical readiness to deliver 4G roaming has been achieved in a further five markets including the UK (EE), Spain, Romania, Portugal and Moldova. 4G roaming will be fully available across Orange’s European footprint by the end of 2014, including major destinations outside of Europe .Additional roaming charges will be removed on a range of plans starting from €30 per month, depending on local market dynamics, allowing customers to roam within Europe (and beyond in certain markets) on Orange and all partner networks.
Anul acesta toti cei 3 mari operatori de telefonie mobila din Romania se pregatesc sa foloseasca si noile frecvente pentru retelele 4G LTE, deci ne putem astepta la cresterea vitezei de navigare pe internet pentru Orange si de o extindere masiva a acoperirii pentru Orange, Cosmote si Vodafone.