UnlockID este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, el fiind dedicat in totalitate posesorilor de Mac-uri care au un iPhone 5S si folosesc Touch ID. Utilizand acest nou tweak al Cydia vom putea debloca un Mac
si vom putea autocompleta orice campuri de parola/username al unui website facand simpla scanare a unei amprente. Deblocarea si introducerea automata a username-urilor sau a parolelor se face simultan cand scanati o amprenta, asa ca veti avea un Mac deblocat si logat unde doriti voi.STOP TYPING YOUR PASSWORDS. UnlockID is the fastest and the most secure way to unlock your Mac and to fill in user names, and passwords on webpages using Touch ID. When you’re near your locked computer or on a web page login form, unlock your iPhone using your fingerprint … You have to turn on Bluetooth on both Mac and iPhone. Your iPhone battery life will not be affected, UnlockID communicates with your Mac using Bluetooth Low Energy.
UnlockID se interconecteaza la Mac-uri folosind Bluetooth si o aplicatie server care trebuie sa ruleze in calculatorul vostru pentru ca intreaga procedura sa functioneze. UnlockID este disponibil in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia, iar aplicatia server o puteti descarca de aici.
This post was last modified on ian. 30, 2014, 11:43 PM 23:43