IconOmatic permite modificarea modului in care sunt afisate iconitele aplicatiilor in iOS 7

  IconOmatic este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei nopti, iar cu ajutorul sau putem modifica modul in care sunt afisate iconitele in Springboard-ul iDevice-urilor noastre. Tweak-ul are disponibil un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings a iDevice-urilor noastre, iar prin intermediul ei ne permite sa setam o umbra care este afisata sub iconite, ne permite sa setam overlay pentru ele si 3 teme special gandite de catre dezvoltatori. Practic folosindu-i setarile putem readuce in iOS 7 o aprte din elementele de design ale iOS 6, imbuntatind in acelasi timp si aspectul noului sistem de operare.

IconOmatic is here! Bring back depth to your springboard on iOS7! This tweak will give you options too have icon shadow, icon overlays an includes 3 themes. it works seamlessly with winterboard and your favorite themes! If you have a theme not yet updated too be compatible with IconOmatic just ask the creator an it’s as easy as adding a folder in their theme package. With this Free tweak you also can turn off the ugly blur dock an icon lables if you choose too. The settings in this tweak will allow you too easily get your icons an homepage looking just the way you like an for 10 days you get too try out the dynamic shadow which is included in the pro version of Icomomatic. You can create your own icon shadow an flawlessly show off too your friends how lame their icons look without shadow. The overlay images can bring back that glossy look or even add bevel too a icon. In pro version you will see a icon mask. Shrinking of the icons, label name changing an much much more!

  IconOmatic are disponibila si o versiune “pro” in care veti gasi o multitudine de alte optiuni, insa aceasta versiune nu va putea fi descarcata gratuit in terminalele voastre. IconOmatic este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia.

This post was last modified on feb. 1, 2014, 8:27 AM 08:27

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