MotionX – Motion Detector este o simpla aplicatie lansata in cursul noptii trecute in App Store, ea utilizand senzorii implementati in iDevice-urile noastre pentru a impiedica furturile. Aplicatia preia date de la accelerometru si giroscop, iar in momentul in care detecteaza o miscare ruleaza o alarma prin difuzorul dispozitivului. Practic puteti lasa un iDevice pe masa cu aplicatia pornita, iar daca oricine va incerca sa-l ridice, aplicatia va rula alerta si va atrage atentia asupra lui.
When the alarm is set a black stealth mode screen means no one can tell the alarm is on. The MotionX can be used any time you need a motion detector. At home, in the office, on vacation. Place your iPhone with the MotionX activated behind a door. If the door opens the alarm will sound. Place your iPhone with the MotionX activated on your desk on top of an important confidential file. If someone moves your iPhone to see the file the alarm will sound.If your phone is moved the alarm will sound until the alarm is stopped manually.
MotionX – Motion Detector este disponibila in App Store intr-un format compatibil cu iPhone/iPod Touch.
MotionX – Motion Detector
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Protect Your iPhone/iPad Now !
Or use this app to scare your friends Who Touch Your iPhone/iPad without your permission!
When the alarm is set a black stealth…
This post was last modified on feb. 4, 2014, 3:30 PM 15:30