DataMan Pro for iPad este o aplicatie lansata in cursul acestei zile in App Store, iar cu ajutorul sau putem monitoriza intregul trafic de date generat folosind o conexiune de date existenta in tableta iPad. Aplicatia lansata astazi reprezinta o versiune a aplciatiei disponibile pentru terminale iPhone de mai bine de un an de zile, ea putand monitoriza inclusiv conexiunile WiFi daca va aflati intr-o tara in care operatorul de telefonie mobila va ofera acces la retele WiFi si va impune limite in ceea ce priveste traficul consumat.
Your superweapon against overage. DataMan Pro lets you know when, where, and how you used data, every hour, every day. Now it takes full advantage of iOS 7 to give you even more powerful features. Beautiful design. Simply gives the key statistics you need most in an incredibly clean interface. It’s so easy to track your data usage.Breakthrough AppWatch. DataMan Pro lets you know the apps eating your data at every hour. Giving you more useful details to root out data-hungry apps.
Smart Forecast. The advanced Forecast predicts if you’ll stay within your data cap. And tells you in brilliant colors. Real-time tracking. Your latest statistics are retrieved directly and immediately from iOS. No more waiting for your carrier to update.
DataMan Pro for iPad poate genera diverse statistici pentru traficul de date generat de catre tableta voastra si poate afisa alerte in momentele in care depasiti cuantumul de trafic setat pentru contul vostru, asa ca puteti fi oricand alertati daca sunteti in pericol sa depasiti ratia zilnica sau lunara de trafic. DataMan Pro for iPad este disponibila in App Store intr-o versiune compatibila doar cu tableta iPad.
DataMan Pro for iPad – the smart way to manage data usage
Descriere: Your superweapon against overage. DataMan Pro lets you know when, where, and how you used data, every hour, every day. Now it takes full advantage of iOS 7 to give you even more powerful features.
Beautiful design. Simply gives the key statistics you ne…