Colors Unleashed este o aplicatie disponibila de ceva vreme in App Store, ea permitandu-ne sa modificam aspectul status bar-ului din iOS 7 fara a exploata sistemul de operare. Aplicatia are o functionalitate simpla si este bazata pe optiunea de a modifica wallpaper-uri disponibile in iDevice-urile noastre pentru a schimba culoarea care este afisata in regiunea acoperita de catre status bar. Punandu-ne la dispozitie o gama foarte variata de design-uri, aplicatia ne da posibilitatea de a personaliza status bar-ul dupa bunul plac si asta fara a depune prea mult efort.
Change the Status Bar, the Battery Sign, Service Dots and Wallpaper to your liking. Colorize the Status Bar in many different styles. Make the color of your status bar blurred, dotted, striped, there are tons of different designs to choose from. And it’s not just the status bar you can change to your liking, you can change the color of the battery icon or the service dots (iPhone only) as well.
- Choose one out of tons of different designs
- Combine various designs to get your own unique Status Bar
- Make your iPhone or iPod look as unique as you are
- Make the screen of your iPhone or iPod stand out of the crowd
Colors Unleashed este disponibila in App Store
intr-un format pentru iPhone si iPod Touch.
Colors Unleashed – Status Bar Designer
Descriere: Sometimes Life needs more color, why not start with your iPhone or iPod
Personalize the Status Bar of your iPhone or iPod.
Colors does just what the names tells, it adds color to your iPhone.
Change the S…
This post was last modified on feb. 11, 2014, 3:11 PM 15:11