Ca parte a seectiunii Editor’s Choice, compania Apple promoveaza in aceasta saptamana aplicatia Slice Fractions pentru cei care detin o tableta iPad si sunt interesati sa descopere un joc nou. Rolul vostru in acest joc pentru iDevice-uri este de a va ajuta un mamut sa ajunga catre obiectivele sale, voi trebuind sa ii curatati calea de bucatile de gheata si lava care o acopera. Dezvoltatorii titlului au conceput nu mai putin de 60 de nivele inovative, asa ca veti avea destul timp pentru a va exersa miscarile, ecranul tabletei facand mai usoara interactiunea cu jocul.
Make your child hungry for his or her next math discovery! Knowing that slicing games are incredibly fun, we teamed up with university education experts to craft a creative and new way to master fractions.
You will enjoy:
- Slicing through ice and lava to clear the mammoth’s path
- Learning fraction concepts without words
- An activity reviewed by researchers at a Canadian university (UQAM)
- Collecting funky hats
- Solving over 60 innovative physics puzzles
- Playing in a safe, digital environment. No ads or in-app purchases.
Slice Fractions este disponibil doar intr-o versiune compatibila cu tabletele iPad.
Slice Fractions
Descriere: Apple Editors Choice around the world!
Make your child hungry for his or her next math discovery! Knowing that slicing games are incredibly fun, we teamed up with university education experts to craft a creative and new way to master fractions.
You will…
This post was last modified on feb. 11, 2014, 3:34 PM 15:34