Peste jumatate dintre britanicii posesori de iPhone-uri au o loialitate nestavilita fata de Apple

  Apple este una dintre cele mai norocoase companii de pe glob, deoarece majoritatea clientilor sai au o loialitate nestavilita fata de produsele sale. Acest lucru este confirmat si de un nou studiu efectuat in Marea Britanie, el dezvaluind faptul ca peste jumatate dintre posesorii de iPhone-uri sunt hotarati sa achizitioneze doar produse Apple in viitor. 78% dintre ei au spus ca nu-si pot imagina ziua in care si-ar putea cumpara un alt teminal, 52% fiind foarte frumos impresionati de iPhone-urile celor de la Apple.

When asked why they would not consider a different phone 78 per cent claimed they “couldn’t imagine having a different type of phone now”. Just over half, 52 per cent, said that they had just been “really impressed” with the iPhone. Some 54 per cent of respondents said they had previously owned an earlier version of the handset and, when asked why they had bought a second, 37 per cent said it was because they were used to the iOS interface. Another 28 per cent simply said it seemed to be the best phone for them at the time of switching, whilst 25 per cent said it was due to the fact friends and family members had iPhones and they wanted to retain Apple-specific features such as Facetime.

  Mergand mai departe, 37% dintre respondenti sustin ca au ales sa achizitioneze un iPhone

nou dupa utilizarea altuia vechi deoarece s-au obisnuit cu interfata, 25% afirmand ca au cumparat terminalul deoarece majoritatea prietenilor sau membrilor familiei detin un terminal asemanator. Majoritatea celor care au trecut la iPhone au detinut un trecut un Blackberry sau un smartphone Nokia, putini avand terminale Samsung sau HTC. In final majoritatea celor care au utilizat un iPhone sunt hotarati sa cumpere un alt terminal Apple in viitor.

This post was last modified on feb. 12, 2014, 1:58 PM 13:58

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