KeDoRi Pro modifica automat limba tastaturii din iOS in functie de textul pe care il scrii

  KeDoRi Pro este versiunea imbunatatita a unui tweak lansat saptamana trecuta in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem imbunatati metoda de scriere folosind tastatura virtuala a iOS-ului. Nu voi relua detaliile despre functionalitatea sa si va recomand sa cititi acest articol pentru a le afla, insa va spun ce aduce nou aceasta versiune a sa. Folosind KeDoRi Pro putem alege limba de scriere la inceputul unui text, putem alege un numar de caractere care trebuie scrise, putem alege o lungime minima a textelor scrise, putem dezactiva optiunea de schimbare a tastaturilor si multe altele.

This tweak detect the language of the text you are writing and automatically switch the keyboard with the right one (if the keyboard for that language is enabled). Differences of the PRO version:

  • Choose the default keyboard to use when you start to write
  • Number of characters to consider, few characters can make the language recognizer imprecise, too many can slow down.
  • Minimum Length of the text, to avoid the recognizer to switch languages based on few character (as said few characters can make the language recognizer imprecise) example: value = 10, will start the recognizer after you type 10 characters.
  • You can set a string that will switch to the emoji keyboard, example: value=”=)” when you will type =) the emoji keyboard will be activated
  • Don’t switch while using emoji: if setted to YES while you use the emoji keyboard the keyboard won’t switch to other languages, if setted to NO the last recognized language’s keyboard will return after you type an emoji.

  KeDoRi Pro este disponibil la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on feb. 14, 2014, 11:26 AM 11:26

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