In October 2013, German investment banking analyst Adnaan Ahmad created a media stir when he wrote an “open letter” to Apple CEO Tim Cook and board director Al Gore, urging the company to acquire Tesla. […] Six months before Ahmad’s letter, Musk met with Perica and probably Cook at Apple headquarters, said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect business relationships. While a megadeal has yet to emerge (for all of its cash, Apple still plays hardball on valuation), such a high-level meeting between the two Silicon Valley giants involving their top dealmakers suggests Apple was very much interested in buying the electric car pioneer.
Separat de aceste informatii, ziarul sustine ca Apple ar dezvolta in momentul de fata un sistem avansat care ar putea prezice momentul in care o persoana ar urma sa aiba un atac de cord. Sistemul ar fi legat de iWatch si ar utiliza senzori audio pentru a efectua aceste preziceri, echipa find condusa de catre Tomlinson Holman, unul dintre cei care a contribuit la dezvoltarea standardului audio THX. In combinatie cu acest sistem, Apple dezvolta unul care ar permite utilizatorilor sa-si securizeze iDevice-urile folosind bataile inimii, mai exact un iDevice putand fi deblocat folosind sunetul produs de ritmul cardiac unic al inimii.
Though Apple has never confirmed it, the company hired Holman in 2011 to “provide audio direction,” according to his LinkedIn profile. At the time, observers assumed Holman would focus his efforts on boosting the audio quality of MacBooks and iPhones. But under Holman, Apple is exploring ways to measure noise “turbulence” as it applies to blood flow. The company wants to develop software and sensors that can predict heart attacks by identifying the sound blood makes as it tries to move through an artery clogged with plaque, the source said.
Ca sa fiu sincer, toate aceste informatii par a prezenta actiuni pe care Apple este departe de a le intreprinde, insa cei din Cupertino sunt cunoscuti pentru miscarile lor surprinzatoare.