Photo Organizer 7 te ajuta sa-ti organizezi mult mai eficient libraria foto in iOS 7 (Video)

  Photo Organizer 7 este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar prin intermediul sau putem implementa in iOS 7 un mod mult mai eficient de a ne administra libraria foto. In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentata functionalitatea tweak-ului si puteti observa ca el ne permite sa adaugam un libraria foto a iOS 7 orice poze prin copierea lor directa in folderul de poze, permite mutarea pozelor fara a le sterge, permite rearanjarea pozelor, permite sortarea pozelor in baza unor criterii personalizabile, permite selectarea rapida a unui numar mare de poze si multe altele.

This is a beautiful rewrite of Photo Organizer Pro specifically designed for iOS 7. Features now available on iPhone and iPad include:

  • Import albums without iTunes by copying them to /var/mobile/Media/DCIM (see details below)
  • Move photos out of the Camera Roll without deleting them
  • Reorder photos in the Camera Roll by drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste
  • Sort photos in any album by name, size, or date
  • Select ranges of photos by tapping with two fingers
  • Select and deselect all photos in an album with one tap
  • Reorder the album list and rename the Camera Roll

  Practic vorbim despre un tweak care functioneaza direct in interiorul aplicatiei Photos a iOS 7 si ne ofera o multitudine de functii pe care compania Apple nu le-a implementat pentu noi, desi ar fi trebuit sa o faca. Photo Organizer 7 este disponibil la pretul de 2$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on feb. 16, 2014, 9:59 PM 21:59

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