Pleiades – o tema “de lux” pentru iOS 7

  Daca va aflati in cautarea unei teme premium pentru iDevice-urile voastre, atunci va atrag atentia asupra uneia numite Pleiades

, ea promitand sa aduca putina eleganta pentru terminalele care ruleaza iOS 7. Prezentata ca o tema “de lux” de catre dezvolttorul sau, Pleiades modifica in totalitate aspectul terminalelor noastre ce ruleaza iOS 7, ea avand iconite speciale pentru aplicatiile native ale sistemului de operare, dar si elemente grafice noi pentru diversele meniuri, astfel ca veti avea parte de o schimbare totala si placuta.

Plieades is a luxury theme made for people who appreciate the beauty in them and around them. Environment, scenario, art, designs, anything that comes to the mind of a person ready for the next trend. Pleiades was made for this exact reason. Everyone wants to look good, why can’t your iPhone? Pleiades is a theme that is run by the community for the community. Meaning apps can be requested for a touch of for perfection and luxury. 

  Pleiades este disponibila in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia, dar nu este compatibila cu tabletele iPad.

This post was last modified on feb. 19, 2014, 10:03 AM 10:03

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