FINAL FANTASY IV este unul dintre popularele jocuri ale celor de la Square Enix, iar incepand de astazi el este disponibil la pret redus in App Store. Avand in gameplay inedit si un storyline dramatic, jocul va da posibilitatea de a participa in active time battles, acesta fiind unul dintre trademark-urile seriei. In mare, veti avea controlul asupra unor personaje care au diverse abilitati, rolul vostru fiind de a le controla intr-un asa mod incat sa castigati orice batalie conceputa de catre dezvoltatori pentru voi.
The title first debuted in 1991 as the fourth installment in the FINAL FANTASY series. Wildly popular thanks to its unique characters and dramatic storylines, it went on to be ported to many different platforms. FINAL FANTASY IV was the first title to introduce the Active Time Battle (ATB) system, which has become synonymous with the series. It also saw the introduction of the Augment system, which enabled the transfer of abilities from other characters and gave players an edge in battles.
FINAL FANTASY IV este disponibil la pret redus pentru o perioada limitata de timp, asa ca daca sunteti interesati de el ar fi bine sa va grabiti.