Arhitectul noului campus “spatial” al Apple discuta despre proiect si implicarea lui Steve Jobs

  Norman Foster este omul care a conceput design-ul noului campus “spatial” al companiei Apple si intr-un interviu acordat recent el vorbeste despre intregul proiect, aflat acum in plin proces de dezvoltare, dar si despre implicarea lui Steve Jobs. Conform declaratiilor lui, cladirea principala va fi “casa” pentru 12.000 de oameni, Steve Jobs inspirandu-se din una dintre cladirile principale ale universitatii Stanford pentru a o construi pe cea a noului campus Apple.

It’s interesting how it evolved. First of all, there was a smaller site. Then, as the project developed, and the Hewlett-Packard site became available, the scale of the project changed. Meanwhile, the reference point for Steve [Jobs] was always the large space on the Stanford campus—the Main Quad—which Steve knew intimately. Also, he would reminisce about the time when he was young, and California was still the fruit bowl of the United States. It was still orchards. We did a continuous series of base planning studies. One idea which came out of it is that you can get high density by building around the perimeter of a site, as in the squares of London.

  Mergand mai departe, arhitectul sustine ca intregul spatiu verde din campus are la baza amintirile fericite ale lui Steve Jobs din tinerea petrecuta in livezile Californiei, nu mai putin de 80% din spatiul intregului campus urmand a fi ocupat de copaci si spatii cu iarba. In final arhitectul vorbeste despre structuracladirii, afirmand ca angajatii se vor putea misca atat orizontal cat si vertical in interiorul sau, orice detaliu privind ocuparea spatiilor fiind foarte atent calculat de catre el.

Of course, you have got an enormous range of skills in this building—from software programmers, from designers, marketing, retail—but you can move vertically in the building as well as horizontally. The proximity, the adjacencies are very, very carefully considered. Remember also that the scale is broken down by cafés and lobbies and entrances. Then, a significant segment of that circle is the restaurant, which opens up to the landscape. You have four-story-high glass walls, which can literally move sideways and just open up into the landscape. So the social facilities break down the scale.

  Mai multe detalii despre proiect puteti gasi aici, compania Apple investind aproximativ 4 miliarde de dolari in construirea noului campus care ar trebui sa fie finalizat in aproximativ 2 ani.

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