Battery Saver promite sa-ti dubleze autonomia bateriei in iOS 7

  Battery Saver este o aplicatie in cursul acestei dimineti in Cydia, iar prin intermediul sau putem ne putem dubla, teoretic, autonomia bateriei in iOS 7 fara prea mult efort. Aplicatia are o gama extrem de complexa de functii pe care le puteti utiliza pentru a va imbunatati autonomia bateriei folosind iOS 7 in iDevice-urile voastre. Aplicatia ofera sfaturi pentru imbunatatirea bateriei in aproape orice conditii, dar mai mult decat atat, este capabila sa inchida aplicatii sau sa dezactiveze functii ale iOS 7.

This app regulates the manner in which your device is charged with a 3 stage system to ensure you get the most out of your battery. It also features an impressive amount of features that can monitor and regulate power consumption. Did you know that simply disabling “automatic time zones” can reduce power consumption by up to 30%? This essential app does everything battery related from giving tips of when to charge (and more importantly when not to) to more advanced battery longevity features such as disabling unnecessary apps/hardware that suck up power.

  Ca sa fiu sincer, aplicatiile de acest gen disponibile in Cydia sunt mai mult decat potrivite pentru a imbunatati autonomia bateriei si in general ele functioneaza cat se poate de bine, asa ca daca sunteti interesati de ea, o puteti descarca gratuit din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

Some of the many features:

  • Accurately estimates the amount of time you have left on your device for any usage<br>
  • Accelerates the speed of your device
  • Notifies you when you should begin and end a proper charge cycle for battery longevity
  • Indicates how much battery power will be extended if you shut down bluetooth/wifi/etc
  • Lists how much battery consumption each of your apps use up
  • Gives all device software and hardware information in one easy to find place
  • Gives helpful hints to ensure proper battery maintenance

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