Metaphrase te ajuta sa traduci orice fel de texte in orice meniu al iOS 7

  Metaphrase este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei dimineti in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem efectua rapid traduceri pentru orice fel de cuvinte sau texte din orice meniu al iOS 7. Tweak-ul poate fi activat in orice meniu al iOS 7 folosind sistemul de actiuni si este capabil sa traduca orice fel de texte disponibile in orice aplicatie a iDevice-urilor noastre, el suportand nu mai putin de 81 de limbi internationale. In mod nativ tweak-ul efectueaza traducerile in limba aleasa ca fiind nativa pentru iOS 7, insa desigur ca puteti modifica setarile sale din meniu de optiuni disponibil in aplicatia Settings.

Ever had the problem of facing a text that you do not understand in iOS? It could be a document in Safari, an email, or any text on any other app. Metaphrase is a tweak that allows you to translate a text, which can be in any out of 81 supported languages. By default, this tweak translates to your System’s language, however, you can go to Settings. Metaphrase and choose any language you want, after disabling the “Use System Language” Option. It all happens through the power of ActionMenu.

  Metaphrase este disponibil pentru noi in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia.

This post was last modified on mart. 4, 2014, 10:08 AM 10:08

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