Firefighter Simulator 3D – un joc cu pompieri dezvoltat de catre un roman (Video)

  Firefighter Simulator 3D este un joc disponibil din cursul acestei saptamani in App Store-ul companiei Apple, iar dupa cum puteti vedea deja din clipul video de mai sus, vorbim despre un titlu destul de interesant. Jocul a fost dezvoltat de catre un dezvoltator roman, iar el ne promite ca prin intermedul creatiei sale putem intra in rolul unui pompier care are rolul de a participa la diverse misiuni de stingere a incendiilor sid e a salva vieti, conducerea unei masini de pompieri facand parte din job-ul vostru.

Have you ever had the dream to become a Fireman? Now you can! Play Firefighter Simulator 3D and save citizens from dangerous fires! Make your way to the fire point by driving different fire trucks! Use your siren to aware everyone about the disaster! Pilot the Fire Department Helicopter to put out bigger fires! Increasing your XP Points will give you acces to newer trucks!


  • 6 Fire Trucks
  • Fire Department Helicopter
  • Interior Camera
  • Realistic damage
  • Cool Locations: city, countryside, mountain, desert and snow
  • Lots of Exciting missions
  • Tilinting, buttons and steering wheel controls
  • Fireman third person control
  • Online Achievements and Leaderboards

  Firefighter Simulator 3D este disponibil gratuit, in format universa, in App Store

-ul companiei Apple.

Pretul initial:
Firefighter Simulator 3D



Developer: Alexandru Marusac
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Have you ever had the dream to become a Fireman Now you can! Play Firefighter Simulator 3D and save citizens from dangerous fires! Make your way to the fire point by driving different fire trucks! Use your siren to aware everyone about the disaster! Pilot…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 61.0 Mb

This post was last modified on mart. 7, 2014, 12:52 PM 12:52

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