miCal – o aplicatie Calendar aproape perfecta pentru platforma iOS

  miCal este o aplicatie lansata in cursul acestui weekend in App Store-ul companiei Apple, dezvoltatorul sau creand-o in ideea de a ne oferi o alternativa demna de luat in seama pentru aplicatia Calendar a iOS 7. Dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imaginile acestui articol, vorbim despre o aplicatie complexa cu un design intuitiv care ne afiseaza toate intrarile din calendar intr-un format usor de inteles, ea oferind mult mai multe detalii decat aplicatia nativa a iOS-ului.

miCal is THE calendar that you’ve always wished your iPhone or iPod touch had! miCal makes scheduling easier, clearer—and better looking—than ever before. The new miCal is a new version of the award-winning bestseller for iOS 7. The dashboard displays your current appointments and events, tasks and birthdays. You can also see the current weather and an overview of the current month at a glance. Intuitively navigate through your calendars and quickly, easily add events and tasks thanks to predefined settings and simple controls. Standard settings like repeating events and reminders/alarms are just a tap away. And powerful special settings are also available, without sacrificing comfort or control. Swipe through views and open events or days with just a tap.

Quickly create events with the new natural l input feature. Natural language input allows you to create events just by describing them. And if you have Siri enabled on your device, you can even dictate your event details instead of typing. miCal now supports iOS reminders. Create reminders for all the important tasks in your private and professional life right in the app. Never again miss an important birthday. Get reminders at preset times featuring the music of your choice. Five-day weather forecasts plus the sunrise/sunset times, humidity and wind speed for the current day. The dashboard even features a quick summary of the current weather as well as a brief forecast of the coming days.

  miCal are implementat suport pentru Siri, astfel ca putem dicta orice fel de detalii pe care le dorim incluse in intrarile noastre din calendar, aplicatia poate afisa detalii despre vremea locatiei in care ne aflam, dar si multe, multe altele. miCal este disponibila in App Store

intr-un format compatibil doar cu iPhone si iPod Touch.

Pretul initial:
miCal – the missing calendar for your events, reminders and birthdays



Developer: entwicklungsschmi…
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: miCal is THE calendar that youve always wished your iPhone or iPod touch had! miCal makes scheduling easier, clearerand better lookingthan ever before. The new miCal is a new version of the award-winning b…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 9.2 Mb

This post was last modified on mart. 9, 2014, 9:41 PM 21:41

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