AlwaysHDREnabled aduce in iOS 7 noua functie HDR a aplicatiei Camera din iOS 7.1

  In aplicatia Camera a iOS 7.1, compania Apple a implementat o noua functionalitate pentru sistemul HDR de inregistrare a pozelor, astfel ca acesta este activat nativ pentru inregistrarea pozelor. Desigur ca noi il putem opri oricand, insa el nu este disponibil in aceasta forma in vechile versiuni ale iOS 7. Pentru a rezolva aceasta problema a fost lansat AlwaysHDREnabled, un tweak care activeaza automat functia HDR in aplicatia Camera a vechilor versiuni ale iOS 7.

This tweak adds the iOS 7.1 feature of HDR being automatically enabled. In its current form, this tweak will show HDR as off in the Camera view, but when you take a photo, it will be HDR. At this point, there are no options to configure, and every picture will be HDR. No options to configure. No screenshots for this item.

  AlwaysHDREnabled este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on mart. 12, 2014, 8:29 AM 08:29

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