Co-fondatorul WhatsApp promite ca toate conversatiile utilizatorilor WhatsApp Messenger vor ramane private

  Achizitionarea WhatsApp Messenger de catre compania Facebook a generat o adevarata isterie in jurul companiei care a dezvoltat celebra aplicatie de mesagerie text, co-fondatorul ei fiind nevoit sa raspunda in repetate randuri diverselor intrebari destul de neobisnuite puse in legatura cu viitorul serviciului. Foarte multi analisti au pus la indoiala discretia pe care ar putea-o arata cei de la Facebook in ceea ce priveste intimitatea conversatiilor purtate de catre utilizatori, iar acum co-fondatorul companiei incearca sa linisteasca lumea intreaga.

Above all else, I want to make sure you understand how deeply I value the principle of private communication. For me, this is very personal. I was born in Ukraine, and grew up in the USSR during the 1980s. One of my strongest memories from that time is a phrase I’d frequently hear when my mother was talking on the phone: “This is not a phone conversation; I’ll tell you in person.” The fact that we couldn’t speak freely without the fear that our communications would be monitored by KGB is in part why we moved to the United States when I was a teenager.

  Facand o comparatie cu a sa copilarie petrecuta in Ucraina in perioada in care URSS-ul inca exista, Jan Koum a declarat ca WhatsApp Messenger nu se va transforma intr-un sistem de comunicatii monitorizat de catre vreo agentie guvernamentala, sau de catre Facebook. El incearca sa asigure utilizatorii ca intimitatea lor este protejata fara niciun fel de comprimisuri facute in fata agentiilor guvernamentale americane, insa in realitate nimeni nu poate sti cat adevar exista in spatele cuvintelor sale.

This post was last modified on mart. 18, 2014, 7:27 PM 19:27

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