Asphalt 8: Airborne update aduce optiunea de a transmite in direct sesiunile noastre de joc

  Zilele trecute v-am spus ca Asphalt 8: Airborne urmeaza sa fie actualizat de catre Gameloft pentru a include suport pentru platforma Twitch, ea permitandu-ne sa transmitem in direct sesiunile de joc. La doar cateva zile dupa anuntarea update-ului, cei de la Gameloft l-au si lansat in App Store, insa si impreuna cu o gama destul de variata de noutati interesante. Pentru inceput vorbim despre o noua masina McLaren P1 si despre Ferrari Testarossa, ambele fiind acum disponibile pentru a fi utilizate de catre utilizatori in curse.

We’re celebrating the Year of the Horse by adding some horsepower to the game with a whole new Asian-inspired racing location! Discover the Great Wall with your McLaren P1, Ferrari Testarossa or any of the other new dream cars, and share your journey with your friends using the brand-new Twitch broadcasting feature only on the App Store!

  • Explore the Far East: Race through the gorgeous new Asian-inspired location, the Great Wall, which will provide 6 new tracks like you’ve never seen before — but don’t get distracted by the beauty of the scenery or you might fall off the edge. 
  • Twitch integration: Connect with the Asphalt community on to broadcast your gameplay online, share your biggest stunts, or take a look at your rivals’ skills. Think you’re the best driver? Prove it with Twitch!
  • New cars coming: Stay tuned as we’ll regularly release amazing new cars, including the unique 2014 McLaren P1, along with the iconic Ferrari Testarossa, and the powerful Dodge Challenger! More of a cross-country racing fan? The mighty 2014 Ford F-150 is there for you too!
  • Immersion at its finest: Get hyped for the ride of your life with a new soundtrack and way more to discover!

  Separat de masini, update-ul aduce si o gama variata de curse noi, asa ca veti avea parte de o experienta noua cat se poate de interesanta dupa actualizarea jocului. Asphalt 8: Airborne

este disponibil gratuit, in format universal, in App Store-ul companiei Apple.

Pretul initial:
Asphalt 8: Airborne



Developer: Gameloft
Categoria: Games

Descriere: *****LEAVE GRAVITY IN THE DUST*****

“The iOS platform has quietly become a haven for great racers, and Asphalt 8 looks to be leading the pack right now” — Touch Arcade 5/5
“A brilliantly put together arcade racing package” — Pocket Gamer 9/10 (Gold Awa…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 981.1 Mb

This post was last modified on mart. 21, 2014, 9:29 AM 09:29

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