Zilele trecute unul dintre inginerii care a participat la dezvoltarea primului iPhone a oferit detalii interesante in legatura cu intregul proces, iar astazi un fost angajat al Apple ne ofera cateva informatii suplimentare. Andy Grignon este numele sau, el fiind un inginer care a dezvoltat software-ul in baza caruia functiona partea GSM a terminalului. Conform lui, Steve Jobs a ales pentru acest proiect doar ingineri care n-au avut experienta in dezvoltarea de telefoane mobile, ideea fiind de a avea oameni care nu au preconceptii in legatura cu modul in care ar trebui dezvoltat un smartphone.
We had the opportunity to hire people from Palm, from Nokia, to help us build this thing. [But] Steve said, ‘No, no, we don’t need to do that. He wasn’t just being an asshole, although he did have that tendency. What he was actually doing was, under the auspices of keeping the program secure and secret, he didn’t want anyone outside of Apple knowing what we were up to, but he had something in his head, and it manifested itself later on. He didn’t want the project tainted by what we thought of as a phone at the time.
Desi atunci Apple ar fi putut angaja ingineri ai Nokia sau Palm, Steve Jobs a refuzat in mod categoric sa foloseasca orice alti angajati in afara celor din interiorul Apple pentru a se asigura ca intregul proiect ramane secret. Pentru a mentine totul secret si pentru a se asigura ca-si va aduce produsul pe piata, Steve Jobs a reusit sa isi motiveze angajatii intr-un asemenea mod incat acestia munceau cu convingerea ca urmeaza sa aduca un produs revolutionar pe piata, fostul inginer sustinand ca parasind acea echipa, nu a intrat in vreuna cel putin la fel de motivata.
I actually don’t think that anybody except for Apple was capable of building the iPhone, because not only did you have a guy like Steve running the ship, but you had a bunch of mini-Steves beneath him running their respective ships. It was just a whole cluster of assholes. I was one of them! But we were motivated in a way that I’ve never seen a team motivated before.
Intregul proiect de dezvoltare al iPhone-ului a impus aplicarea unor masuri drastice pentru Apple, Steve Jobs administrand toate detaliile proiectului si luand parte la o multitudine de sedinte in care s-au luat deciziile privind dezvoltarea terminalului, rezultatul final fiind un dispozitiv care avea sa revolutioneze industria terminalelor mobile.
This post was last modified on mart. 27, 2014, 7:15 PM 19:15