FaceСrypt este o aplicatie disponibila de ceva vreme in App Store, ea fiind conceputa in ideea de a ne oferi posibilitatea de a folosi un sistem de recunoastere faciala pentru a securiza datele din iDevice-uri fara a face jailbreak. Aplicatia poate securiza parole, documente, informatii despre cartile de credit sau conturile bancare, totul folosind un sistem de criptare de 256 de biti, el fiind similar cu cel utilizat de catre Apple pentru iCloud Keychain, de exemplu.
Secure and encrypt your valuable passwords, documents, bank account, credit card details and images on your iPhone with biometric facial recognition access and with industry-strength 256-bit data encryption; all in one easy to use application. With a host of customisable features, you can use it just as a password manager without needing a password to access, a private photo collection, a safety storage for all your confidential documents – you choose – and of course you can secure the vault as tightly as you need with a selection of locking methods. No other app gives so much choice or flexibility.
Your iPhone is under threat of a data breach every time you use it or lose it. It contains highly sensitive data that can cause a lot of damage if it gets into the wrong hands. From bank details to confidential personal information, these devices store everything important to us. Whether work or personal, its privacy should be first priority.
Folosind imagini cu scanari ale fetei voastre, aplicatia permite sau refuza accesul la informatii in functie de utilizatorul prezent in fata camerei frontale a iDevice-ului, datele salvate in ea putand fi utilizate pentru logare pe website-uri sau alte aplicatii terte. FaceCrypt este disponibila in multiple versiuni in App Store, una dintre ele putand fi descarcata gratuit.
FaceСrypt Free Password Manager – Secure Data Vault
Descriere: FaceCrypt Safety First
Secure and encrypt your valuable passwords, documents, bank account, credit card details and images on your iPhone with biometric facial recognition access and with industry-streng…
FaceСrypt Basic Password Manager- Secure Data Vault
Descriere: FaceCrypt Safety First
Secure and encrypt your valuable passwords, documents, bank account, credit card details and images on your iPhone with biometric facial recognition access and with industry-streng…
This post was last modified on apr. 2, 2014, 12:02 PM 12:02