Rendarya implementeaza un editor foto profesional in aplicatia Photos a iOS 7 (Video)

  Rendarya este un tweak disponibil din cursul noptii trecute in Cydia pentru iDevice-urile noastre, iar dupa cum puteti vedea din clipul video de mai sus, el a fost conceput pentru a implementa un editor foto profesional in aplicatiile Camera si Photos a iOS 7. Conform dezvoltatorului, Rendarya implementeaza: o multitudine de filtre, optiunea de a edita luminozitatea pozelor, diverse efecte pentru imbunatatirea pozelor, optiunea de a redimensiona pozele, optiunea de a aplica stickere sau texte peste poze, dar si alte optiuni disponibile nativ in iOS 7.


  • Filter : Has a lot of filters that make your photos beautiful .
  • Adjustment : Has option let you edit the brightness as darkness of your photo.
  • Effect : Has a lot of effects that make your photos effectiveness.
  • Blur : Has options that give your photos blur effect.
  • Rotate : give you the ability to rotate your photos.
  • Clipping : give you the ability to crop your photos.
  • Resize : Has amazing resize options which let you resize your photos for what you want.
  • Sticker : has some beautiful stickers to put it on your photos.
  • Emoticon : special emotions icons to put it on your photos.
  • Text : give you the ability to write on your photos with cool fonts and options.

  Rendarya este disponibil la pretul de 1.99$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on apr. 1, 2014, 11:04 PM 23:04

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