DisturbPlease este un tweak disponibil din cursul serii trecute in Cydia pentru iDevice-urile noastre, iar cu ajutorul sau putem imbunatati radical functionalitatea sistemului Do Not Disturb al iOS. Conform dezvoltatorului, tweak-ul ne permite sa setam reguli speciale privind primirea de mesaje pentru anumite grupuri de contacte sau doar contacte, el permite setarea notificarilor pe care le primim in fiecare caz in parte, ne permite sa setam zilele saptamanii in care va functiona Do Not Disturb si nu doar atat.
DisturbPlease enhances Do Not Disturb mode by allowing you to get SMS/MMS/iMessage notifications for a selected group of contacts when DnD is active. Messages from contacts belonging to that group will have normal alerts (sound alert, and screen will turn on), even during DnD mode. You can choose to have audible notifications for messages from anyone, no-one (default in iOS), your Favorites, all people from your contact list or just from people belonging to a custom group of contacts. You can also choose the weekdays when scheduled DnD will be enabled or disabled.
DisturbPlease are disponibil un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings a iOS 7 si prin el putem administra in detaliu toate functiile sale, tweka-ul fiind disponibil la pretul de 2$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.
This post was last modified on apr. 8, 2014, 11:04 PM 23:04