Modern Combat 5: Blackout – noi detalii despre joc sunt oferite de catre Gameloft

  Modern Combat 5: Blackout este viitoarea versiune a jocului Modern Combat care este dezvoltata in momentul de fata de catre compania Gameloft, ea urmand a fi lansata in viitorul apropiat in App Store. Gameloft a inceput procesul de dezvoltare a acestui joc cu mai bine de un an de zile in urma si in cursul serii trecute compania franceza a oferit noi detalii in legatura cu el. Povestea jocului va incepe in Italia si va continua in diverse capitale de pe glob, gameplay-ul voi avand rolul de a controla personajul principal al titlului in operatiunea de a impiedicaun grup de teroristi sa obtina arme periculoase.

Modern Combat 5: Blackout will once again take fans on an adventure across the globe, as the player engages in special counter-terrorism operations with the latest and most technologically advanced combat weaponry. The single-player campaign for MC5: Blackout consists of compact and dynamic missions that ratchet up the suspense of each action-packed moments. The development team wanted players to experience the story in a more intense and diverse way than ever before.

  Dupa cum probabil va asteptati deja, jocul este dezvoltat in baza unui motor grafic extrem de complex, demn de un asemenea titlu, asa ca experienta de joc va fi una mai mult decat interesanta. Deocamdata nu se stie cand intentioneaza Gameloft sa lanseze noul titlu in App Store, insa probabil il vom avea disponibil in cursul acestei veri, sau cel mai tarziu in perioada in care iPhone 6 va fi lansat pe piata de catre cei de la Apple.

Like fans have seen in some of the earlier demos, the story will indeed begin in Venice, Italy where Phoenix, the main character of the game, is sent on a special operation to secure a transport of WMDs from a particularly well-armed terrorist group. From there the plot will take gamers on a globe-trotting adventure, including a particularly harrowing sequence in Tokyo where Phoenix has to fight amidst total anarchy while trying to convince his allies to accept an uncomfortable secret. By the end, players will have experienced a range of visually-stunning settings, and thrilling action-packed combat sequences.

This post was last modified on apr. 30, 2014, 9:17 AM 09:17

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