Angajatii Samsung au mancat documente compromitatoare pentru companie

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  Samsung a fost acuzata de foarte multe actiuni ilegale in trecut, insa ceea ce s-a dezvaluit intr-un articol al celor de la Vanity Fair intrege limitele imaginatiei. Conform articolului, pentru a proteja compania de o investigatie derulata in Coreea de Sud, angajatii Samsung au fost capabili inclusiv sa manance documentele pe care o echipa de investigatori trimisa de catre Apple dorea sa le preia. Totul s-a derulat in 2010 cand o echipa de investigatori, trimisa de catre Apple ca parte a procesului american cu Samsung, a incercat sa acceseze o fabrica Samsung, insa a fost impiedicata de echipa de securitate a companiei care le-a refuzat accesul.

Before the investigators could get inside, security guards approached and refused to let them through the door. A standoff ensued, and the investigators called the police, who finally got them inside after a 30-minute delay. Curious about what had been happening in the plant as they cooled their heels outside, the officials seized video from internal security cameras. What they saw was almost beyond belief. Upon getting word that investigators were outside, employees at the plant began destroying documents and switching computers, replacing the ones that were being used—and might have damaging material on them—with others.

  Dupa aproximativ 30 de minute de asteptare pentru ca politia sa ii ajute sa patrunda in cladire, investigatorii au descoperit ca majoritatea documentelor importante si a informatiilor din calculatoare erau disparute. Analizand imaginile camerelor de securitate investigatorii au descoperit ca in perioada anterioara intrarii lor angajatii au inceput sa schimbe calculatoarele ce contineau documente importante cu altele care nu contineau nimic relevant in legatura cu ancheta pe care investigatorii o derulau in locatie.

A year later, Korean newspapers reported that the government had fined Samsung for obstructing the investigation at the facility. At the time, a legal team representing Apple was in Seoul to take depositions in the Samsung case, and they read about the standoff. From what they heard, one of the Samsung employees there had even swallowed documents before the investigators were allowed in.

  Mai mult decat atat avocatii Apple prezenti in Coreea de Sud pentru a analiza documentele au aflat ca unii angajati ar fi mancat documente importante inainte ca ele sa ajunga in mainile investigatorilor. Samsung a fost, desigur, amendata pentru obstructionarea anchetei, insa in final compania Apple nu a reusit sa obtina documente importante care ar fi ajutat-o sa demonstreze o parte dintre actiunile ilegale ale Samsung.