Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop – Personal este disponibila la PRET REDUS in App Store

  Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop – Personal este una dintre aplicatiile App Store-ului care ne permite sa ne conectam remote la deskptop-urile noastre si sa le controlam de pe iDevice-uri. Folosind acest sistem puteti controla de la distanta orice functie a calculatorului vostru, exact ca si cum ati fi acolo, insa toata actiunea este intermediata de ecranul tactil al terminalelor voastre. Aplicatia poate fi utilizata indiferent de ce conexiune de internet aveti, iar daca sunteti dispusi sa platiti, atunci puteti avea posibilitatea de a face inclusiv conexiuni securizate catre calculatoarele voastre.

Use Splashtop to access your computer on the local network with best-in-class video streaming performance. View and edit Microsoft Office and PDF files. Browse the web using IE, Chrome, and Firefox with full Flash and Java support. Play 3D PC and Mac games. Access your entire media library and documents. And more!

  • To access your computer from across the Internet, subscribe to Anywhere Access Pack via In-App Purchase.
  • Use your iPad to access all of the programs and files on your computer with 100% compatibility, including PowerPoint, Keynote, Word, Excel, Outlook, Quicken, IE, Chrome, Safari, and all other PC/Mac applications
  • Use your full desktop browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox) with Flash and Java support, with all of your bookmarks and your favorite plug-ins
  • Enjoy the full video and music libraries that are playable only on your computer, whatever formats they’re in
  • Play all the 3D games (World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Skyrim, Diablo III, etc.) and all the Flash games (FarmVille, CityVille, etc.)
  • Enjoy the most vibrant experience with Apple Retina display support (when using native resoluti

  Aplicatiile de acest gen sunt extrem de utile in situatiile in care doriti sa accesati de pe iDevice-uri ceva ce iOS-ul nu recunoaste, in situatiile in care doriti sa monitorizati/sa porniti ceva pe calculator si desi dezvoltatorii spun ca puteti juca orice fel de jocuri, nu va recomand sa achizitionati aplicatia pentru asa ceva. Splashtop Personal – Remote Desktop

este disponibil in doua versiuni in App Store, una pentru iPhone/iPod Touch care este gratuita si una pentru tablete iPad.

Pretul initial:
Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop – Personal



Developer: Splashtop Inc.
 iPad Only
Categoria: Business

Descriere: Mother’s Day Special — Limited Time (retail $19.99 USD)!!
“Both a breakthrough and a bargain.” NY Times
“Splashtop — Meet the most popular app on iTunes.” USA Today
“No iPad-armed road warrior should be without it.” InformationWeek
“Apples Top 25 bes…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 32.0 Mb

This post was last modified on mai 7, 2014, 10:01 PM 22:01

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