Adobe Voice este o noua aplicatie lansata de catre Adobe in cursul zilei de ieri in App Store, ea fiind conceputa special pentru a permite utilizatorilor sa genereze clipuri video animate cu o poveste in spate. Mai exact, aplicatia ne ofera optiunea de a inregistra orice fel de continut audio folosind microfonul tabletei iPad, iar cu ajutorul celor peste 25.000 de imagini disponibile in ea putem crea clipuri video animate grozave. Aplicatia adauga automat animatii cinematice si un eventual soundtrack pentru filmele noastre, intregul proces fiind cat se poate de intuitiv.
Voice helps you create stunning animated videos in minutes. No filming — just talk to tell your story. Pick from over 25,000 beautiful iconic images to show your ideas and Voice automatically adds cinematic motion and a soundtrack. Persuade, inform and inspire anyone online. Make an impact.
- Fun, fast and super simple.
- Touch to record your voice, one line at a time.
- Voice automatically adds the perfect soundtrack. Play it back and hear yourself sound amazing.
- Pick from the stunning collection of over 25,000 icons and millions of images, or use your own.
- Choose a custom look with one tap: beautiful fonts, colors, and motion make every element memorable.
- Voice automatically adds cinema-quality animation so your story looks incredible. Effortlessly.
- Share your video on Facebook, Twitter, email, or your own web page for anyone to watch, on any device.
Toate clipurile video create de catre noi pot fi partajate rapid pe oricare dintre retelele de socializare existente in momentul de fata pe glob, insa nu doar atat. Adobe Voice este disponibila GRATUIT in App Store.
Adobe Voice – Show Your Story
Descriere: Voice helps you create stunning animated videos in minutes. No filming just talk to tell your story. Pick from over 25,000 beautiful iconic images to show your ideas and Voice automatically adds cinematic motion and a soundtrack. Persuade, inform and ins…