GoodReader 4 – o noua aplicatie care permite vizualizarea oricarui tip de continut multimedia

  GoodReader 4 este o versiune complet noua a aplicatiei GoodReader, ea permitandu-ne sa administram intr-un mod extrem de eficient PDF-urile incarcate in iDevice-urile noastre. Totusi, functionalitatea aplicatiei nu se rezuma doar la atat, ea permitandu-ne sa citim orice fel de documente, sa vizualizam continut multimedia in diverse forme sin u doar atat. Aplicatia este conceputa ca un utilitar care sa ne permita sa vizualizam orice, oricand, in iDevice-urile noastre, versiunile anterioare ale sale fiind extrem de populare.

GoodReader® is the super-robust PDF reader app. Mashable describes it as “a Swiss Army knife of awesome!” Reviews worldwide hail it as “essential,” “the best,” “magnificent” and “the killer app”. With GoodReader on your iPad or iPhone, you can read virtually anything, anywhere: books, movies, maps, pictures. Use it once and you’ll be hooked. Soon you’ll be wondering how you ever managed to go mobile without GoodReader.

GoodReader has earned its accolades by the way it handles huge PDF and TXT files, manuals, large books, magazines, and renderings of 100 mb and more with great speed. The ability to mark-up PDFs opens up new doors to GoodReader users who can now use typewriter text boxes, sticky notes, lines, arrows, and freehand drawings on top of a PDF file.

All the excelent features of the original GoodReader are here, including:
– the best PDF reading engine
– PDF Annotations – text boxes, popup comments (“sticky notes”), text highlights and markups, freehand drawings, lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, etc.
– access to various types of servers to store your data – Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, box.com, WebDAV, SMB, AFP, FTP, SFTP
– Auto Sync with remote servers

  GoodReader 4 este disponibila in format universal in App Store


Pretul initial:
GoodReader 4



Developer: Yuri Selukoff
Categoria: Productivity


This is the next generation of our famous GoodReader app, and now it’s a universal app – one app for all your iOS devices.

In addition to al…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 38.6 Mb

This post was last modified on mai 11, 2014, 9:57 AM 09:57

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