Bulb iti spune cand flash LED-ul iPhone-ului tau este pornit

  Bulb este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar conform dezvoltatorilor sai, el ne permite sa aflam rapid daca flash LED-ul iPhone-urilor noastre este pornit sau nu. Tweak-ul afiseaza in status bar-ul iOS 7 o iconita in momentul in care flash LED-ul terminalelor este activ, astfel ca vom sti oricand ca beculetul respectiv ne consuma in mod inutil energia bateriei, daca nu avem nevoie de el. Bulb

este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

Works on iOS 7.  Have you ever used the flashlight on your phone, but set it down, and wasted a ton of battery? With this tweak installed, that will never happen again! Whenever the flashlight is enabled, an icon will appear in the status bar on your device!

This post was last modified on mai 12, 2014, 8:15 PM 20:15

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