Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace – un nou joc din seria Star Wars disponibil la PRET REDUS

  Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace este un joc lansat de catre binecunoscuta companie Disney in cursul saptamanii trecute in App Store, ea incercand sa aduca o noua experienta Star Wars pentru platforma iOS. Conform descrierii dezvoltatorilor vom avea parte de o actiune epica in care vom putea descoperi secrete in fiecare scena interactiva, cursele cu podracerele fiind una dintre atractiile noului titlu.

* Experience the Star Wars story in an epic new way! 
* Unlock hidden secrets in each interactive scene and race your anti-gravity podracer across the galaxy at explosive speeds!
* Discover original art and interactive technology using amazing 180-degree parallax!

* Uncover the story of the saga while tapping to reveal hidden content
* Sharpen your Jedi mastery and test your ability against the fastest and fiercest racers in four different galaxies
* Customize your very own podracer with visual and performance enhancements to improve your results
* Participate in tournaments, time trials, and daily racing events to win special rewards

Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace is the first release of an episodic series of apps set in the world of the legendary saga. Star Wars Journeys: Attack of the Clones is coming very soon!

  Jocul ne da posibilitatea de a controla cateva dintre cele mai cunoscute personaje ale Star Wars, cursele desfasurandu-se in cele mai populare galaxii ale seriei. Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace este disponibil in format universal in App Store


Pretul initial:
Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace



Developer: Disney Publishing…
Categoria: Entertainment

Descriere: ***Star Wars Journeys was chosen as Editors Choice on the App Store! We would like to celebrate with a special price promotion! Check it out now!***

* Experience the Star Wars story in an epic new way!
* Unlock hidden se…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 498.0 Mb

This post was last modified on mai 17, 2014, 5:50 PM 17:50

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