Pretul actiunilor Apple creste desi analistii americani nu sunt entuziasmati de achizitionarea Beats

  In cursul noptii trecute compania Apple a anuntat oficial achizitionarea Beats printr-un comunicat de presa, 3 miliarde de dolari fiind cheltuiti de catre americani in aceasta tranzactie. Desi vorbim despre cea mai mare achizitie facuta vreodata de catre compania Apple, analistii americani nu au fost entuziasmati de actiunea celor din Cupertino, asta in conditiile in care valoarea actiunilor Apple a crescut astazi.

To see this kind of money spent for a company that gets most of its revenue from hardware business is not what we want to see, We never like to see a company buy something for $3 billion when a few months ago it was worth about $1 billion [based on the valuation when private investors bought a piece of the company in September]. We wonder whether this is an appropriate use of shareholder cash.

  Analistii americani nu sunt convinsi ca Beats va putea aduce un plus de valoare pentru Apple si nici nu inteleg foarte bine intentiile din spatele americanelor, insa in final acest lucru va conta mai putin. Apple intentioneaza sa domine serviciile de streaming audio, iar achizitionarea Beats are mai mult legatura cu aducerea lui Dr. Dre si a lui Jimmy Iovine in echipa Apple decat cu imbunatatirea calitatii castilor companiei.

Streaming music is a way more interesting space to dominate compared to big ass headphones but buying Beats isn’t going to get Apple there. Iovine joining Apple can’t hurt. But this won’t make the difference between unbundling HBO from a typical pay TV package and not being able to do it. People in Hollywood do not give deals to people because they like them and know them.

  In final, Apple va iesi foarte castigata din achizitia Beats daca va reusi sa foloseasca forta celor doi noi manageri in negocierile cu marii producatori de continut din SUA.

This post was last modified on mai 29, 2014, 5:35 PM 17:35

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