Modern Combat 5: Blackout – Gameloft ofera noi detalii despre viitorul titlu pentru platforma iOS


  Modern Combat 5: Blackout  este un nou FPS pregatit de catre compania franceza Gameloft, el fiind programat pentru lansare in App Store  incursul acestei veri. In ideea de a atrage mai mult interes din partea fanilor seriei, cei de la Gameloft au publicat informatiile de mai jos descriind un nou modul de lupta implementat in viitorul lor titlu, el fiind numit squad vs squad si putand fi jucat in multiplayer online sau local.

MC5 will bring competitive team battles to the next level, with persistent squads formed by players. You can join squads with your friends or any other player you meet online, then take your squad online against other squads from around the world. Strategy and team balancing will be key, and players within a squad will have their own dedicated squad chat to talk to each other and plan their tactics. There is also a global chat function which allows you to talk to anyone.

  Practic voi si prietenii vostri veti avea posibilitatea de a forma echipe de soldati si veti putea concura online in fata altor echipe formate din alti jucatori activi pe serverele companiei. Totul este gandit intr-un mod similar jocurilor din seria Counter Strike, adica veti avea nevoie de o strategie petnru a va putea invinge adeversarii, asa ca munca in echipa este esentiala in combinatie cu indeplinirea tuturor planurilor tactice.

  Modern Combat 5: Blackout se anunta a fi unul dintre cele mai interesante jocuri pregatite de catre Gameloft pana acum si eu unul il astept cu nerabdare.

This post was last modified on mai 30, 2014, 11:07 AM 11:07

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