Angry Birds Stella – Rovio pregateste lansarea unui nou joc Angry Birds

  Angry Birds Stella este un nou joc din seria Angry Birds dezvoltat de catre compania Rovio in momentul de fata, el urmand a fi lansat in App Store in toamna acestui an. Pregatit pentru lansare in luna septembrie a acestui an, Angry Birds Stella va avea in centru un personaj care poarta numele Stella, el fiind acompaniat de catre o varietate de prieteni care dintre care mai ciudati.

Angry Birds Stella opens up an exciting new chapter in the Angry Birds universe with a new flock of fierce friends. Stella, Poppy, Willow, Dahlia and Luca share a common love for adventure and fun, but as in the real world, their colorful personalities sometimes clash! Still, they pull together to find creative and fun solutions to their problems.

  Poppy, Willow, Dahlia si Gale sunt personajele care o acompaniaza de Stella

si voi veti avea rolul de a le controla actiunile in lumea virtuala conceputa de catre Rovio. Nu se stie deocamdata cum anume este conceput gameplay-ul pentru viitorul joc al celor de la Rovio, insa vorbim despre ceva facut in spiritul Angry Birds si cu siguranta veti avea parte de o experienta de utilizare extrem de interesanta.

There’s also Gale, a good bird gone bad, who wants to rule over the birds’ island habitat. True to the Angry Birds spirit, Stella and her friends have a playful, offbeat attitude and great sense of humor. After all, they’re best friends forever – most of the time!

  Angry Birds Stella va fi lansat in luna septembrie in App Store.

This post was last modified on iun. 5, 2014, 1:02 PM 13:02

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