Aplicatia oficiala FIFA a fost actualizata pentru Cupa Mondiala de Fotbal din Brazilia

  Pentru ca saptamana viitoare urmeaza sa inceapa Cupa Mondiala de Fotbal din Brazilia, FIFA si-a actualizat aplicatia oficiala din App Store disponibila pentru iPhone si tabletele iPad. In aceste noi versiuni ale aplicatiilor vom avea posibilitatea de a: afla cele mai noi stiri despre echipe, descoperi componenta fiecarei echipe, planifica programul tuturor meciurilor a explora Brazilia, tara care organizeaza Cupa Mondiala de Fotbal 2014.

With this major update for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, you can take the World Cup with you everywhere you go.
In this pre-tournament version…

– Keep up to date with all the very latest World Cup news
– Discover the players and coaches from all 32 competing teams
– Plan your World Cup with a schedule of all 64 games
– Explore the host country Brazil and get familiar with the stadiums and cities where the action will happen

  Mai mult decat atat, aplicatiile ne ofera posibilitatea de a: urmari in timp real desfasurara fiecaruia dintre cele 64 de meciuri, intra in conversatii cu antrenorii si jucatorii care participa la Cupa Mondiala, urmari evolutia oricarei echipe si multe altele. Pentru ca vorbim despre doua aplicatii dedicate, fiecare dintre ele are o interfata speciala si desigur ca versiunea pentru iPad va va oferi cea mai buna experienta de utilizare.

Watch out for a further update before the tournament kicks-off where you’ll be able to:

– Enter the Global Stadium and follow minute-by-minute action, live from all 64 games
– #Joinin the biggest football conversation in history alongside friends, players, coaches and fellow fans
– Keep up to date with match alerts from your favourite teams
– Follow our daily Live Blog, which will give you up-to-the-minute coverage of everything happening at the tournament with exclusive photo and video coverage
– Affect what happens at the World Cup by voting for Man of the Match

This is on top of FIFA.com’s usual breaking news and exclusive interviews, plus live scores from 197 world leagues across the globe.

  Aplicatiile FIFA pentru iPhone si iPad sunt disponibile gratuit in App Store.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Federation Intern…
Categoria: Sports

Descriere: The Official FIFA World Cup App

Download the Official App of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, unlocking all the exclusive coverage from the planet’s biggest single-sporting event. With the official FIFA Wo…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 30.3 Mb

Pretul initial:
FIFA for iPad



Developer: Federation Intern…
 iPad Only
Categoria: Sports

Descriere: The Official FIFA World Cup App

Download the Official App of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, unlocking all the exclusive coverage from the planet’s biggest single-sporting event. With the official FIFA World Cup App, you can take the World Cup with you e…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 55.9 Mb

This post was last modified on iun. 7, 2014, 9:16 AM 09:16

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