Spider-Man Unlimited a fost anuntat de catre Gameloft (Video)


  Spider-Man Unlimited este un nou joc pe care companiile Gameloft si Marvel il dezvolta in momentul de fata pentru terminalele mobile, el fiind primul web-runner inspirat din seria Spider-Man. Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un joc de acest tip, va puteti astepta sa aveti un gameplay similar celui din seria Temple Run, doar ca intreaga actiune se va desfasura intr-un oras New York aflat in plin asediu.

Fans will enjoy the thrill of swinging, running, and fighting through a chaotic New York on the brink of destruction, as The Formidable Sinister Six attempt to gain unlimited power by opening a malevolent dimensional rift to our world. It’s up to Peter Parker and iconic Spider-Man variations such as Iron Spider-Man, Spider-Man Noir, Future Foundation Spider-Man and Ben Reilly Spider-Man to team up and stop them.

  The Formidable Sinister Six vor incerca sa obtina controlul asupra orasului deschizand un canal temporal intr-o alta lume, Spider-Man si diversele sale variatii incercand sa-i opreasca. Jocul va contine 23 de variatii ale personajelor Spider-man dezvoltate de-a lungul timpului, iar in joc vor avea de infrant si Green Goblin, Vulture sau Electro, totul pentru a salva orasul New York de la distrugere completa.

Fans will be inspired to collect and upgrade over 23 different Spider-Men, the most variations in any game, as they battle through an episodic adventure, featuring three narrative-driven issues facing Green Goblin, Vulture, Electro, and their dimensional counterparts along the way.

  Spider-Man Unlimited urmeaza sa fie lansat in App Store in luna septembrie a acestui an.