Skype 5.0 pentru iPhone aduce o interfata complet regandita (Video)


  Daca utilizati Skype pentru iPhone pentru a interactiona cu prietenii vostri, ei bine in clipul video de mai sus veti vedea ce schimbare majora pregateste compania Microsoft pentru aplicatia sa dedicata iDevice-urilor. Mai exact, avem parte de o interfata regandita pentru a simplifica interactiunea cu diversele optiuni, avem posibilitatea de a utiliza noi gesturi pentru diverse functii, avem acces mai usor la functia de chat in grup si integrare suplimentara pentru acces pe multiple dispozitive.

As you swipe from conversations through to your favorites and then back to your contacts lists, you’ll notice how smooth scrolling and transitioning from screen to screen is – with delightful little pops and animations punctuating them. All without degrading the performance and battery improvements we worked so hard to achieve.

  Practic Microsoft incearca sa ofere acum functionalitate extinsa pentru aplicatiile sale intr-un moment in care Skype pare sa fi pierdut batalia cu servicii mult mai populare precum WhatsApp Messenger sau iMessage. Implementarea unei schimari atat de mare va fi cu siguranta atractiva pentru utilizatorii existenti, insa e putin probabil ca un numar mare de utilizatori noi sa fie atras catre aplicatii.

  • Faster: You’ll notice the effort we’ve put into this overhaul as soon as you launch Skype 5.0 for iPhone. The new version is over 5 times faster than the old version.
  • Smoother: As you swipe from conversations through to your favorites and then back to your contacts lists, you’ll notice how smooth scrolling and transitioning from screen to screen is – with delightful little pops and animations punctuating them. All without degrading the performance and battery improvements we worked so hard to achieve.
  • More Integrated: Now, iPhone users can start group chats from the hub. And when you send messages or photos, it doesn’t matter if the recipient is offline. Everyone will see your message as soon as they are available again.
  • Smarter: We know our users are using Skype on multiple devices, and we want to make sure your Skype notifications keep pace with your conversations, no matter where they happen. Now, as you read your messages on your PC, tablet, Xbox and so on, those conversations will be marked as read (or unread if new messages come in) on your iPhone too.

  Noua versiune a Skype pentru iPhone va fi disponibila in perioada imediat urmatoare in App Store.