Iata ce ambasador Samsung va castiga zeci de milioane de dolari prin achizitia Beats de catre Apple

  LeBron James este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti jucatori de baschet din SUA si in cadrul Beats el a detinut o parte dintre actiuni care ii vor aduce nu mai putin de 30 de milioane de dolari dupa achizitionarea companiei de catre Apple

. LeBron James este un cunoscut ambasador al produselor Samsung, promovandu-le intens in multe aparitii publice sau spoturi publicitare facute pentru compania coreeana.

In a recent example, while James was leading the Heat to a victory over the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference finals, sources say the 29-year-old was finalizing what is believed to be the biggest equity cash payout for a professional athlete in history as part of Apple’s recent $3 billion purchase of Beats Electronics. Sources briefed on the situation say James realized a profit of more than $30 million in cash and stock in the Beats sale after he had struck a deal to get a small stake in the company at its inception in 2008 in exchange for promoting its high-end headphones.

  Cele 30 de milioane de dolari reprezinta lichiditati si actiuni ale companiei Apple, presa americana sustinand ca aceasta ar fi cea mai mare plata de acest gen facuta unui atlet in istoria NBA-ului. Avand in vedere situatia in care se afla Lebron James acum, ramane de vazut daca el va continua sa promoveze castile Beats din moment ce ele apartin de catre Apple, dar popularitatea sa ar putea ajuta serios compania americana.

This post was last modified on iun. 12, 2014, 9:32 AM 09:32

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