Qvadriga – unul dintre ineditele jocuri de “racing” din App Store

  Qvadriga este un nou joc disponibil din cursul acestei saptamani in App Store, iar dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imaginea de mai sus, el are un gameplay extrem de interesant care ne permite sa participam la curse cu care de razboi. Le-ati vazut in diverse filme si probabil in realitate, insa acum veti avea ocazia de a le conduce intr-un nou joc in care va trebui sa participati la curse cu aceste “vehicule” antice.

If you have come here it is because you wish to manage your own chariot racing team. Train your drivers and give them the finest equipment and horses. If you do this well, your chariots will provide you with both wealth and fame. but beware! Chariot races are dangerous. Accidents may occur and rival teams might try to harm your charioteers during the race.

  Jocul va permite sa va antrenati fiecare conducator in parte pentru a ii imbunatati capacitatea de a dirija carul de razboi in timpul curselor, veti putea imbunatati carele pe parcursul gameplay-ului si nu doar atat. Veti putea cumpara sau vinde carele dupa bunul plac, va veti putea bloca inamicii si veti putea evita atacurile acestora, totul intr-un joc extrem de interesant disponibil in App Store.

Qvadriga is a tactical game of chariot racing in ancient Roman circuses, where you take control of a four horse chariot team. Choose your preferred upgrade combinations and prove your skills at the arena. Select the most cunning actions which your team could perform against the best drivers of the old world: shake reins, whip horses, choose lanes, hold tight while negotiating curves, avoid incoming attacks.

  Qvadriga este disponibil intr-un format compatibil doar cu tabletele iPad.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Slitherine Softwa…
 iPad Only
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Welcome to the Roman circus!

Its a game that deserves to be a success
Im a little bit in love with Qvadriga
The interface is a miniature masterpiece
Rock Paper Shotgun

If you have come here it is because you wish to manage your own chariot racing team. …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 288.1 Mb

This post was last modified on iun. 15, 2014, 11:33 AM 11:33

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