Soccerinho este un joc lansat in cursul noptii trecute in App Store-ul companiei Apple, iar dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imaginea de mai sus, vorbim despre un titlu in care fotbalul de strada este in primul plan. Conform dezvoltatorilor sai, voi veti avea ocazia de a explora strazile orasului Praga indeplinind obiectivele celor 84 de nivele concepute pentru noi, scopul final fiind de a ajunge in interiorul stadionului principal al orasului unde veti avea ocazia de a trage lovitura finala.
10 games combined into one … Includes 5 original episodes, and 84 levels! There’s no time to get bored, because you’re always learning new challenges! Aim well and show your stuff while exploring the streets of old Prague on your way to the football stadium and final kick off. Beautifully detailed GRAPHICS BY FACTS
- Target the goals and break them to pieces…
- Scatter wild cats lurking on roof tops.
- Upset grannies and make their laundry dirty
- Shoot penalties into a wooden door with amazing animations of a boy playing the goalkeeper.
- Play against a rival street boy. And if he challenges you, just break the windows of his mother in law… as many times as you like!
- If street ball starts getting a little too wild, relax a bit with a little golf
- Our golf course (12 holes worth!) winds its way through the streets of old Prague.
- Did we mention a basket? There’s also a basket.
- And of course don’t forget the milk cans – ready and waiting to be tipped over with a clever kick.
- Don’t forget – your goals aren’t always on the ground!
Soccerinho este, probabil, unul dintre cele mai interesante jocuri de fotbal lansate in ultima vreme in App Store, iar daca sunteti interesati de el, il veti gasi la PRET REDUS
, in format universal in magazinul companiei americane.
*** 1st person full 3D arcade game packed with great action, the need for speed and accuracy! ***
*** Soccerinho offers a realistic, physics based, ball game that is second to none! ***
COMPATIBILITY: Game is compatible only with the iPh…
This post was last modified on iun. 17, 2014, 8:25 AM 08:25